Teodora Oniceanu's profile

Bus Station Bookmarks

 Bus Station Bookmarks is the project I had been working on for a while, concocting and planning on how to make it out since 2020 until 2022. It came out for the public a little before the start of the year 2023, a project titled as it's first collection of free-verse I published in the series of works for this life and art gathering my books. It's work through which I am hoping to bring to the a attention of people the subject and matter of reading in public spaces such as places destined for leisure-time activities and relaxation spaces, waiting rooms and stations plus public transportation, wishing to promote this as well. For the list of the books included in this starting point of the project, already published or to be published during the first months of 2023, please, visit Theodora Oniceanu's Smashwords.com profile. https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/ThierryJoKane
The list of works created for this project starts with the latest two published books at the end of 2022, "Bus Station Bookmarks" and "Fluturi Întemnițați", and will be worked through the Spring of 2023, May being the last month to publish from this series.

It was also my start with using the Canva features and graphics. It's not something that makes me a real designer and artist, I know, but it does help with a few things that need to be done, fastens the process and workflow and helps with the marketing of work and projects. It's also good to use it for developing certain mobile work skills and come-up with layouts and prototype design compositions that can be improved later. At least this is how I use it and feel that it works just fine.
Loads of work did so far. More coming up soon! 

*You can follow me and support my work by becoming a patron. Here is where I share exclusive content that completes the picture of my projects. https://www.patreon.com/theodoraoniceanu 
**There is also a site where I give more details about my work as a writer and book cover creator and artist activity. https://theodoraoniceanu.wordpress.com
***If interested in receiving news about my writing and the special offers and work around my writing projects, you can Subscribe here: https://mailchi.mp/46e2b4fae59e/subsc... 
I'll give it a go and keep it to a maximum of 12 newsletters per year, this meaning notices on the very news and some of the big discounts related. Thank you for following and supporting my work. All the best wishes and thoughts that must contribute to the better world we all love and want to live in.

Today I am surveying to get information about people's reading habits.

Do we read and how much? What do we like to read and why? Where do we take our reading session? What are our favourite reading spaces? These are the main questions I ask in my study on reading habits nowadays, a piece of work related to my project titled Bus Station Bookmarks presented up in videos above.

You can help me with my study on this topic, if you like. I would be extremely grateful.

Would you take my survey and help me get my study and paper on this subject done?
Here is where you can find more details:

Thank you in advance.

If you need to take the survey in another language than English, please check this list of a few other options:

IT: https://us7.list-manage.com/survey?u=ccd7e370f7055ffd6017b8e3b&id=39898c19cd&attribution=false

If you have improvement suggestions or identified mistakes in my survey, please, let me know. It's not only the speed and some pressure there that influenced them. I might need to learn many things there where I feel I do okay and definitely to learn a lot there where I do not perform like a star.

Thank you for helping me with my study!
The following pictures represent a collage of the works created for this project or the ones subsequently added to it.
If you want to support me with my project and my development as a writer and artist, you can become my patron on Patreon. There are several posts with exclusive content I offer there. 

I will continue bringing new things on the table for my patrons there. You can as well pay a visit to my personal website where there's a blog I develop, also offering content and additional information that may differ from social media.
Bus Station Bookmarks